Jack Ahasteen
Illustrator, Fine Arts, Sculpturer, Photographer
Jack Ahasteen and Ahasteen Graphics
Ahasteen Graphics
Grew up in Teesto, Arizona
Lives in Window Rock, Arizona
Professional Illustrator Since:
Ahasteens Biography
Jack Ahasteens Biography
Ya'átééh, Shí éí Jack Ahasteen yinishyé. I am Todich’ii’nii (Bitter Water Clan), Tachii’nii (Red Running into the Water), Tabaaha (Water’s Edge), Tse Njikini (Cliff Dwelling Honey-Combed Rock). I am originally from Teesto, Arizona and have been a resident of
indow Rock, Arizona since 1972. I am a political illustrator/ sculpturer/fine arts/murals. What I am most known for is being a political illustrator.
I grew up in Teesto, Az and lived in Belmont Army Depot where my father worked during the 1950's. I started drawing at a very young age. My father would bring back comic book back home from work. I use to copy the illustrations from the books while my mom was doing her rug weaving. I enjoyed drawing at an early age and began selling my drawing to pay for food and clothing during my school years. Later I would attend ASU in Phoenix, AZ and majoring in Art, hoping to become an art illustrator. When I left ASU in my 2nd year and started looking for a job as a graphic illustrator for the Navajo Times in the 70s.
From the 1970s to now, I continued to do illustrations for a local newspaper as well as doing independent work contracts for books, personal fine arts, apparel and murals, etc. My work has also been used in college dissertations as well as workshops and water rights movements. I am currently a business owner of Ahasteen Graphics, LLC and I am continuing my work thru my business. Thank you for your support for the last 52 years.